You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency Dr Linus Pauling 

Understanding Sugar Cravings: Exploring the Underlying Causes

Sugar cravings can be a persistent challenge for many individuals striving to maintain a healthy diet. Understanding the reasons behind these cravings can empower us to make informed choices and find effective strategies to overcome them. In this blog post, we will delve into a few common causes of sugar cravings and shed light on why they may occur.

Candida Overgrowth: A Sweet Temptation

One potential culprit behind sugar cravings is Candida overgrowth. Candida, a type of yeast, naturally resides in the gut, reproductive organs, and skin. However, factors such as a high-sugar diet, weakened immune system, or prolonged antibiotic use can disrupt the balance, leading to Candida overgrowth. The yeast thrives on sugar, and consuming it perpetuates the cycle of cravings. Addressing Candida overgrowth through dietary changes and targeted treatments may help alleviate sugar cravings. Take a look at our Caprylic acid, great product for dealing with this issue.

Battling the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

Low Blood Sugar: Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, can trigger intense cravings for sugar. When blood sugar levels drop, the body seeks quick sources of energy, and sugar provides a rapid boost. Skipping meals, consuming a diet high in refined carbohydrates, or having conditions like diabetes can contribute to low blood sugar and subsequent sugar cravings. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels through regular, balanced meals that include protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help minimize these cravings.

Deficiencies in Essential Nutrients

Deficiencies in Essential Nutrients: Several nutrient deficiencies have been associated with increased sugar cravings. Understanding these deficiencies can guide us toward addressing them through dietary adjustments or appropriate supplementation:

Chromium: Chromium plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels. A deficiency in chromium can impair blood sugar control, leading to heightened cravings for sweets. Including chromium-rich foods like broccoli, whole grains, and lean meats in your diet can help maintain optimal levels.

Sulfur: Sulfur, an essential nutrient, is involved in various biological processes. Its deficiency may disrupt carbohydrate and fat metabolism, potentially triggering sugar cravings. Consuming sulfur-rich foods such as eggs, cruciferous vegetables, and legumes can help address this deficiency.

Tryptophan: Tryptophan, an amino acid, serves as a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood regulation. Inadequate levels of serotonin can contribute to sugar cravings. Incorporating tryptophan-rich foods like turkey, nuts, seeds, and legumes into your meals can support serotonin production and reduce cravings.

Phosphorus: Phosphorus plays a crucial role in energy metabolism. A deficiency in phosphorus can disrupt the body’s energy production, leading to cravings for quick energy sources like sugar. Including phosphorus-rich foods like dairy products, lean meats, fish, and whole grains can help address this deficiency.


While sugar cravings can be challenging, understanding the underlying causes empowers us to take control of our health and make informed choices. Factors such as Candida overgrowth, low blood sugar, and deficiencies in essential nutrients like chromium, sulfur, tryptophan, or phosphorus can contribute to these cravings. By addressing these factors through dietary adjustments, nutrient-rich foods, and potential supplementation, we can gradually reduce sugar cravings and achieve a balanced, healthier lifestyle.

It’s important to remember that individual experiences may vary, and cravings can also be influenced by emotional and psychological factors. Seeking professional guidance, developing healthy eating habits, and managing stress can further support efforts to overcome sugar cravings and maintain overall well-being.