Our immune systems work hard for us
The immune system is a network in the body that protects us against disease. Not only does it fight off viruses and bacteria that can make us ill, but it also helps us recover when we become sick or injured. It protects us against bacteria or viruses by producing antibodies in our blood [1].
Antibodies are very small molecules made by our white blood cells. When viruses or bacteria enter our body, antibodies bind to their receptors to destroy them. Each type of antibody recognises a specific virus or bacteria and will only bind to that specific object to protect our immunity. [2]
When a person becomes immune to a disease, they must have already been exposed to that virus or bacteria. This can happen through many ways, but the most common are through vaccine or having been exposed to a specific illness which allows our immune system to remember how to offer the body recovery.
How the body deals with allergies
Allergies are very common and affect more than 1 in 4 people in the UK. [5]. The way allergies work is that our body perceives certain things as ‘foreign invaders’. When these invaders enter our body, our immune system essentially goes into overdrive and produces an immune response. This response may be triggered by things like dust, mould, and pollen which activates a response in the body’s such as sneezing, itching causing our eyes and nose to become watery.
It is not clear why allergies happen but most people who suffer from allergies have a family history or have some sort of autoimmune condition, such as asthma or eczema. [5]
If you suffer from allergies, antihistamines are the best form of treatment to help ease the symptoms. Our preference would be to take something natural, like vitamin C which is a great antiviral as well as an antioxidant, or take quercetin which is a natural anti-histamine. You can get these from health shops, and some are available from your GP. However. Taking the natural solution is a good option to give the body something natural in support of it’s responses to such allergens.
A study found that Fish oil is commonly thought to protect against asthma and allergies, as it helps protect the body from an inflammatory response. Fish oil lowering inflammation. Finally, Bromelain can be used to ease the symptoms of acute nasal and sinus inflammation, when taken alongside standard medication. Native Nutrients Bromelain is made from the stem of a pineapple and can be used as a proteolytic enzyme.
Autoimmune disease
An autoimmune disease is when our immune system starts to treat our own cells as foreign objects and attacks them. [6] There are more than 80 types of autoimmune conditions that affect a wide range of body parts. Some examples include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, alopecia, and psoriasis.
Seeing advice from a GP is always recommended, however if you prefer a more natural alternative, there are naturopathic functional medicine practitioners out there that can help provide you with some support. Biotin (Vitamin B7) supplements help with hair growth and can be found in this B Complex supplement, along with other food sourced and natural B Vitamins.
In general, the risk of autoimmune diseases can be reduced by regularly taking Vitamin D, if you are low. Vitamin D interacts with immune cells, affect genes that regulate inflammation, and alter the immune response. It also reduces upper respiratory infections. If you need the help of a functional medicine practitioner when buying your supplements, then please click here to help us help you choose the correct supplements you need.
Toxic accumulation – clearing out our internal dustbins
Toxins (toxic chemicals) are substances created by plants and animals that are poisonous to humans. Interestingly, toxins can include some medicines that are beneficial in small doses, but harmful and extremely poisonous in large amounts [7]. There are toxins that disrupt our immune system, like BPA (Bisphenol A) that is found in plastic bottles. Also, foods wrapped up in plastic, and others that are found in non-organic food as pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and the constant exposure of antibiotics that are feed to animals, which eventually affect us. Toxin exposure can be found in the air and in our homes through our cleaning products as well as in some beauty products. There are other categories such as mould, air pollutant and cigarette smoke, which also cause disruption in our body.
To prevent the effects that toxins have on our body, our Antioxidant may help provide and support your body from further damage.